Waiter Call Button – a practical function of a practical program!


Microinvest Warehouse Pro Light often develops taking in consideration the latest trend. This time we want to present you with the new function of the product which will offer your restaurant not only high quality service but more satisfied clients.

Waiter Call Button – a practical addition to a program with even more practical functions!

The clients of your restaurant, night club or cafe will no longer have to search the whole hall for waiters just to make an order or to ask for the bill. On the other hand your staff will become more responsible and take their duties more seriously – thanks to the new functions of Microinvest Warehouse Pro Light you can track down the reaction speed on each call.

Don’t forget about the “curiosity” of some clients. From now on, besides permanent clients, your restaurant will have innovation lovers who will be glad to try out the “latest addition”, and even business managers who value their time and cannot waste some waiting for service.

After all, increasing of your restaurant’s profit depends on increasing the number of your clients.

Microinvest Warehouse Pro Light may be installed on every Waiter Call Button devise.

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